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Search Results for ukrain

Should Ukraine and Moldova join the EU?

In June 2022, the European Council granted EU candidate status to Ukraine and Moldova.  The process of actually joining the European Union will likely take years of reforms (and, in the case of Ukraine, also a massive campaign of rebuilding and reconstruction). Nevertheless, this is a significant step. Indeed, EU policymakers are increasingly talking about European enlargement using the language of

Is Europe offering enough support to Ukraine?

Is the EU doing enough to help Ukraine?  On 24 February 2022, Russian troops invaded Ukraine, escalating the Russian-Ukrainian war that began in 2014. The following months have been catastrophic for Ukraine and a shock for the rest of Europe. For EU states, the question is how to support Ukraine and weaken Russia at the

Does Ukraine represent a new “global whole-of-society” warfare?

Has the war in Ukraine given rise to a new whole-of-society approach to warfare?  Is it redefining the roles of governments, multilateralism, and non-state actors, such as the private sector and civil society? Certainly, we have witnessed a range of responses to the war, from economic sanctions and the withdrawal of business activities from Russia to private sector actors providing internet and digital support to Ukrainians on the frontline, and entrepreneurial alliances between hackers and cybersecurity

Will the war in Ukraine restart ‘frozen conflicts’ in Eastern Europe?

How frozen are Eastern Europe’s ‘frozen conflicts’?  You’ve probably heard the term ‘frozen conflict’ being used, but does it really capture what’s happening on the ground? Technically, the phrase is used to describe places where fighting has taken place and has come to an end, but where there is currently no peace treaty or formal political

Krieg in der Ukraine: Was hältst Du von der Reaktion der Bundesregierung?

„Zeitenwende“ – auch für Deutschland „Der 24. Februar 2022 markiert eine Zeitenwende in der Geschichte unseres Kontinents.“ So begann Bundeskanzler Scholz seine Regierungserklärung in Reaktion auf den russischen Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine. Scholz‘ Rede selbst und die Ankündigungen der gesamten Bundesregierung markierten ihrerseits selbst eine Zeitenwende für die deutsche Politik. Denn in einigen Bereichen stellte die Regierung einen teils

Wird Russland in die Ukraine einmarschieren?

Die Spannungen zwischen Russland und der Ukraine sind auf dem Siedepunkt Russland hat etwa 100.000 Soldaten an die Grenze zur Ukraine verlegt, zusammen mit Panzern, Artillerie und Luftstreitkräften. Der Kreml beschuldigt die NATO, ihr in den 1990er Jahren gegebenes Versprechen, nicht zu expandieren, gebrochen zu haben. Die NATO-Staaten entgegnen, dass alle Zusicherungen an die Sowjetunion und nicht an

Will Russia invade Ukraine?

Tensions between Russia and Ukraine are at boiling point. Russia has moved roughly 100’000 troops to the border with Ukraine, alongside tanks, artillery, and airpower. The Kremlin accuses NATO of breaking promises made during the 1990s not to expand. NATO countries respond that any reassurances were made to the Soviet Union, not to the Russian Federation, and that NATO membership

How would you reshape European defence?

In the face of escalating global tensions, Europe stands at a critical crossroads, prompted by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The continent is witnessing a significant transformation in its approach to security and defence. Responding to the seismic shift, European nations are bolstering their military capabilities, increasing defence budgets, and reinforcing NATO’s presence in the east.

The Future of Europe’s defence, security and transatlantic relations

European young people care about the war in Ukraine. They feel the effects of the war, through the rising energy prices and inflation or the real threat to their own nations.  Just over a year into Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, Debating Europe, the citizen engagement and democracy unit of Friends of Europe, reached out to 100 young